pregnancy calendar

Saturday, December 4, 2010

38 weeks

Well, I'm 38 weeks along today and apparently 3AM is when the sleeping stops and heartburn & insomnia begin :( My checkup yesterday went well and the doctor said I was still "on track". I've been seeing a chiropractor and she thinks I've dropped pretty low and could go into labor at any time (especially since my OB will be out of town this weekend). My chiro claims that being adjusted at this stage pretty much guarantees a very short time of pushing - she comes with a good track record & if it works for me, I will be sending out my recommendations! If nothing else, I feel better and haven't had a headache in over a month which is unheard of for pregnant Christy! Ok, going to try heading back to bed...wish me luck!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. I hope everything is going well.