pregnancy calendar

Monday, May 26, 2008


Haley loves to fly! She has such great form! Check out her straight legs, pointed toes and her head held high :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Megan's Graduation Party

My cousin Megan graduated from Rocky Mountain High School yesterday and is getting ready to head off to UNC to become a teacher. Here she is holding Haley for the first time... Cousin photo...
My Godmother and Haley's Great Aunt Janice...
Great Uncle Brad...
My cousin Danielle... I guess she doesn't hold babies very often so Haley was pretty lucky :)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Haley & Benjamin

My friend Cari and her baby Benjamin are in town from Alaska so we got together for lunch and some shopping. This week Ben will turn 7 months old and Haley will be 3 months old. It was great seeing them in person - Benjamin is adorable! Ben was pretty fascinated by Haley...
Both Grandma's came to lunch too. Thank goodness or else there would have been no way we could have gone shopping afterward - there is just too much stuff to carry when a baby is around, let alone two babies!
Such cute little feet! Ben's foot was just a little bit bigger :) It was funny because his feet are quite ticklish so every time we'd get Haley's foot next to his, he'd curl his big toe over hers.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Haley's Baptism 5/18

Haley Elizabeth was Baptized on Sunday at Peace Lutheran Church. It was a wonderful ceremony and she didn't even cry when the water was poured on her head. She wore a beautiful baptismal gown that was handmade by her Great Great Great Grandmother. It was made 99 years ago and was worn by her Great Great Grandpa Joe when he was baptized. Many others in the family have worn it including her Daddy :) She also wore the booties that I wore when I was baptized. Here she is smiling about getting all dressed up...
Haley's Godparents Eric & Lindsey Patton...

Jeff's side of the family...
Christy's side of the family...
Pastor Dave Ahlman married Jeff & I almost five years ago. It meant a lot that he was the one to baptize Haley.
All of Haley's aunts & uncles...
Haley has some awesome Godparents - I know that they'll always be there for her!

Graduation Parties 5/17

Beautiful picture with Great Grandma Marilyn at our cousin Sasha's graduation party... Meeting Great Uncle Tom and cousin Dani...
Very happy with her cousin Chris...
Great Aunt Kathy (Grandpa Steve's sister)...
The Schaefer & Sarensen crowd at Stephanie's graduation party...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baptism Details...

Haley is being baptized this Sunday at Peace Lutheran Church in Arvada. The service begins at 10:30, but I suggest arriving early because it is normally pretty packed and there are 4 other baptisms that day. If you need directions, just call or send me a note :) Our very good friends Eric & Lindsey are going to be Haley's Godparents - yay!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was my first Mother's Day and it was awesome :) Yesterday red roses were delivered to me with a note from Haley Elizabeth. Then, last night Jeff took care of Haley while I took a bubble bath and went to bed early. I woke up to Haley's cries at 6 am and found two cards on her crib, one to Christy & one to Mommy :) In one of them I found a CD with a slideshow of pictures and videos of my pregnancy & Haley - it was so wonderful! Jeff even included the video Amy took outside of the delivery room of both Grandma's crying when they heard Haley cry for the first time & also when my doctor came out to give the news of Haley's arrival. It was the first time I'd seen that so I was crying away with them. Jeff did an amazing job on the video - he's such a great husband! We went to breakfast with Jeff's family, then to church and then over to my parent's house for brunch. What a great day! But, the best part is that I'm a Mom now and I love my little girl with all my heart!

Our family...check out Haley's smile!
Grandparents, Nancy & Gary - always all smiles when Haley's around...
Four Generations :)
Jeff with his Mom, Karla...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Girl's Night Out

Last night Haley and I went to a bridal shower for our friend Lindsay. Her sister Karlie is my sister Juliana's best friend and they were so close that I even used to call her my unbiological sister :) Haley must have known that Karlie was family because she instantly loved her & couldn't take her eyes off of her. Even when Lindsay was holding Haley, she was happiest when Karlie was nearby...
The bride-to-be holding Haley :)
I've known Lindsay, Shauna & Karlie for as long as I can remember. They all looked great and so happy! Sadly, Lindsay & Karlie live in Seattle so we don't get to see them very often.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Meeting Great Grandparents

It was a big day of meeting new people today : ) Great Grandma Marilyn was quick to volunteer to feed Haley. It was love at first sight! Great Grandpa Harold...
Great Aunt Pat (Grandpa Steve's sister)...
Great Uncle Ron...
Cousin Sasha...She's getting ready to graduate from Arvada West and head off to CSU!
Great Uncle Jim (Grandpa Steve's brother)...
Four Generations of Schaefer's!
Grandma & Grandpa - always so excited to see their little Haley :)
It was a big day and Haley is asleep in my arm right now as I type!

Friday, May 2, 2008

This week's pictures

Haley is finally big enough for her Baby Bjorn...It's great - we can actually get some things done around the house now :)Haley meeting her new friend Michael Graham. He rode next to her in our car on the way to lunch and told us all about what we should do with babies. His with her and teach her to talk :)This is the dress that my friend Cari and her son Ben gave to Haley at my baby shower. She looked so beautiful in it so that is what she wore to get her 2 month pictures taken.Haley is smiling more and more each day...Its hard to catch on camera though ;)I pretty much ate lunch by myself lunch dates were just a little distracted...Haley's first day of school! We surprised Grandma Karla and Auntie Amy at Van Arsdale Elementary on Wednesday. Amy showed Haley to all her students - they all did great just sitting in their seats looking at her. Its hard to believe that Haley will be in school in just a few years!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


On Tuesday night, we gave Haley a bath at 9:00 pm, fed her at 9:30 and she was asleep by 10. Then....she woke up at 5AM!!! That is 7 full hours of sleep for all of us! :) Well, I still woke up a couple times & checked on her but I got to go right back to bed. Last night Haley went to sleep around 9:30 and woke up at 4:30am. Woo hoo!

Fingers on the loose! Haley loves the brown blanket she got from Aunt Amy :)

This morning Jeff said that Haley laughed at him when he was changing her diaper. I can't wait to hear that! New things are happening every day...