pregnancy calendar

Friday, March 28, 2008

Haley's Stages - Awake & Asleep :)

Haley sitting up against the Boppy pillow. She holds herself up pretty well! Uh oh...fingers on the loose! She loves to sleep with one or both hands up by her face.
All smiles, even with the hiccups...

Haley's Relatives

Haley's Great-Great Aunt Harriet and Great Grandpa Mads (from Jeff's side of the family)...
Grandma Karla's cousin Pat...Haley was very popular at dinner :)Haley with Marsha Lehman...Grandma Karla's flower girl Carrie (Pat's daughter)...So adorable! Haley with Courtney, Brian and BreeAnn...Great-Great Aunt Harriet was a baby nurse so she was very comfortable holding her...Haley with Great-Great Aunt Barb Ohle (from my side of the family)...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Haley's mail...

It is official...Haley is a US citizen :) She received her Social Security card in the mail yesterday!

One month checkup

Haley had her one month checkup today with Dr. Dickerson and she did great! She now weighs 6 lbs 3.5 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. I can't believe she has grown so much! She'll see the doctor again at 2 months - it is the scary appointment though with her first set of shots...I'm scared already. After her appointment, my Mom & I took her over to visit her Daddy at work. It was her second trip to WaMu and everyone loved seeing her again. Now...on to bath time!

Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We're exhausted!

Today was exhausting! Haley had her first trip to King Soopers and we got some family & baby pictures taken in the afternoon. It doesn't sound like much but we are beat!


Haley's arms were flying in her little Sweetheart outfit...

Friday, March 21, 2008

More pictures...

Mommy was brave and gave Haley a bath all by herself today. She really liked being covered with the nice warm washclothes which made it much easier :) I used some bedtime lotion afterwards and she is completely cozy & asleep right now. Being super strong on her tummy... It is hard to see but she has both feet in the air and is lifting her head!

Hemi has been feeling a bit left out - check out his sad puppy dog eyes... He is adapting to having Haley around very quickly though. He gets up during the night to check on her with us and always sniffs her whenever he can.

I can just hear her thinking "Ah geez Mom, not another picture!"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Yesterday Haley and I took our first trip alone together - to Target! It is quite the production to leave the have to time it right so that she doesn't need to eat right in the middle of the store, pack the stroller, car seat and diaper bag and remember things like a purse, phone, etc. I'm sure I'll get better at it but geez, it takes a lot of planning. Last night went well - Haley slept for 4 hours straight! During the day she eats every 2 to 3 hours so this was huge!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Haley is 3 Weeks old today!

Bath time at 3 weeks old...So cute with her duck blanket! Covered with the blanket that her Great Grandma Marilyn made her...

Haley loves tummy time! She can move her head around and pushes up on her legs. She'll be crawling all around in no time!
Enjoying her Boppy pillow...
Listening to Grammie read her "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish". She loves books already - see how interested she is in the latest video link...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gaining Weight!

I took Haley to the hospital today to check her weight. She now weighs 5 pounds 4.8 ounces! That is awesome! She is still gaining about an ounce a day so we're very happy. Her due date was set for this Saturday - I'm so glad she came early though because she's so adorable :)

Haley's Aunts & Uncles

Our family

Haley's first restaurant...Amici's with her Grammie & GG. It was a bit difficult to fit in the booth but she slept the whole time :) Our family...

Haley & Puppies

Our dog Hemi loves Haley already and always is checking on her...

Haley being checked out by Juliana & Matt's dogs, Griswold & Packer...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New pictures

This is one of my favorite pictures so far...Just lounging around :) She slept like this for 20 minutes in her swing. So relaxed!
Four Generations! Great Grandma Byrne (G. G.), Aunt Juliana and Grammie :)

All of Haley's Auntie's :)

Haley wearing an adorable preemie outfit from my friend Kyla...

Wide eyed with her cute heart hat...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Pediatrician visit & WaMu

Haley had her second appointment with her pediatrician today. Great news...she weighed 4 lbs 15 ounces! That is 8 ounces more than her appointment one week ago which means she gained more than 1 ounce per day :) So, she'll be 5 pounds by tomorrow or Sunday! After we left the doctor's office, Haley got to go see where her Daddy works and meet all of his coworkers. She was a big hit!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just a little update...

Haley is doing great today! She had her blood drawn yesterday and her bilirubin level (for jaundice) was lower so she doesn't have to use the UV blanket anymore. And, no more horrible blood draws from her little heels! Yay! She is doing well, eating every 2-3 hours and has the most adorable smile in the world :)

Haley met our dog Hemi on Friday and he is already her little protector. He follows us when we check on her and has already sniffed her & everything she touches. The great thing is that he already knows that he can't jump on us if we're holding her and he didn't even bark today when the doorbell rang!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Proud new Grandparents

Both Grandmas were waiting right outside the delivery room with their ears to the door. The minute Haley let out her first cry, the tears started flowing. You better believe that the minute I could have visitors, they were the first ones through that door :)

Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Gary

Grandma Karla and Grandpa Steve

Monday, March 3, 2008

Haley and her blanket

Haley's jaundice was enough not to be scared but enough for some home therapy - a UV blanket. She has to wear this as much as possible until her levels go down. Our daughter is glowing!

Coming home from the hospital 2/28

Haley had to stay in the hospital one extra night to monitor her level of jaundice. It was so great - Jeff & I got to stay as "boarders" in our same room (for free too!). Here's a picture of her coming home outfit...preemie size and it still doesn't quite fit!

Haley loves being held by her Daddy. They'll always have a special bond since their birthdays are the exact same :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Haley Elizabeth

Haley Elizabeth was born on February 25th at 4:45 pm. She weighed 4 lbs 10 ounces and was 17 inches long. Haley started crying immediately after being born and had huge blue eyes looking at Jeff & I while she was being cleaned off. We were instantly in love with our beautiful baby girl!