pregnancy calendar

Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Godchild!

Our niece Anna Sophia was baptized on Sunday, June 28th. We are very blessed and excited to be her Godparents! She did great, only a few little cries - it was actually Haley making all the noise from her seat :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Haley has had a lot of fun with her Daddy this weekend! Here she is on his shoulders walking through the Louisville town fair... Trying on Daddy's hat...
All dressed up for church!
Haley's Godparents, Eric & Lindsey, got her this dress for her birthday :)

Haley's hospital visit

Haley had to have two procedures done at Children's Hospital last Monday. The first was a VCUG where they put dye in through a catheder and then watched how the liquid flowed inside her bladder. The second was an ultrasound of her kidneys, bladder, etc. This was requested by her doctor because of the bladder infection she had a couple months ago. But, as with the other things they've tested her for, nothing was wrong! She is completely healthy :) Just too cute in her tiny hospital gown!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our vacation!

We had so much fun on our trip with Eric, Lindsey, Chris and Stephanie! A week long cruise from Tampa to Grand Cayman, Belize and Honduras. Here are a few highlights :)

Our bus crash in Belize

Don't worry, no one was hurt. Our bus driver expertly drove us off into the ditch to avoid hitting the semi that was pulling out onto the highway in front of us. God was definitely looking out for all of us that day!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fun stuff

Haley wasn't done with her nap apparently because after about 5 minutes of playing with her purse, she just collapsed into her blankie for a few more minutes of sleep. Too precious! Giving Mom a hug...(I love that she calls me Mom!)
Haley's Friends on Memorial Day! Here she is playing with dinosaurs with Michael (age 6)...
Gavin (9 months old) loves the squeaker duck and Haley just loves my pink purse.
Showing Hemi's basket of toys to Noah (age 3)...
She loves watching and interacting with other kids. She has a great time at the library playgroup that she attends with my mom on Thursday's too :)