pregnancy calendar

Friday, March 21, 2008

More pictures...

Mommy was brave and gave Haley a bath all by herself today. She really liked being covered with the nice warm washclothes which made it much easier :) I used some bedtime lotion afterwards and she is completely cozy & asleep right now. Being super strong on her tummy... It is hard to see but she has both feet in the air and is lifting her head!

Hemi has been feeling a bit left out - check out his sad puppy dog eyes... He is adapting to having Haley around very quickly though. He gets up during the night to check on her with us and always sniffs her whenever he can.

I can just hear her thinking "Ah geez Mom, not another picture!"

1 comment:

Aunt Barb in GJ said...

Uncle Jack looked at the pictures and said that the one about "not another picture" was the best caption! Glad to see things are going so well and Christy you are doing great at being a new mom! Keep it up. Love to all..Mom, Dad, Haley and Hemi!