pregnancy calendar

Friday, December 31, 2010

Lyla Nicole has arrived!

Lyla Nicole joined us on December 13th at 1:14pm. For those of us number geeks, it is pretty fun that she was born on 12-13 at 13:14 :) Jeff and I went in to the hospital the night before and I was put on some antibiotics during the night. My doctor came by at a little after 8am Monday morning, broke my water, and I was in active labor in no time. Everything was progressing nicely but she hadn't dropped enough so the nurse suggested I walk around some more...well, I took about 3 steps to the sink and that's about all I needed. I told (maybe yelled) that they should check me and when they did, they said I was "at a 4", meaning that she was just about out of me! They called my doctor, she ran over from her office and I only pushed for 9 minutes before we met our little angel! She was 5 lbs 9 oz, 19 inches long and absolutely beautiful! Bright blue eyes looking at me just minutes after being born!
Such a proud Daddy!
Haley was so excited to see her new little sister. I love my girls so much!

1 comment:

Cari said...

9 minutes?!?! Way to go Christy! That's how to have a baby :)