pregnancy calendar

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

18 Months old!!!

My little girl is a year and a half old!!! She had her check-up today and here are the stats...weight = 17lb 15.5oz, height = 31 in (25%) and head = 18 1/4 in (50%). She's still under the curve on weight but she's closer to it than the last time :) She got two shots today but an Elmo sticker and her first King Soopers cookie and she forgave me.

Here we are at a concert in the park - That Eighties Band! Happy birthday to me (and notice that yes, I'm wearing a Bayside Mathletes shirt for all those Saved by the Bell fans)! Haley and Anna in their matching dresses - it was so hard keeping Haley still enough for a picture!
Jeff, Chris, Matt & Dave at the Muddy Buddy - check out the awesome video Matt made!
Yum - raspberry fingers!
"Haley, where are your toes?"

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