pregnancy calendar

Saturday, February 28, 2009

1 Year Doctor Appointment

The stats...Weight: 14 lbs 13.5 oz, Height: 28 3/4 in, Head circumference: 17 3/4 in. Her height and head are good, but Haley's weight fell even farther below the curve. She eats all of the time though! The doctor asked that we have her drink formula for another 2-3 months instead of switching to cow's milk for the extra calories and I have to take her in for a weight check in one month. She did really good during the check-up, talking to and smiling at her nurse and doctor, but then came time for the shots :( She had 3 shots and one of them, the MMR, hurt her a lot! She was crying so hard that she gave herself the hiccups so I decided to hang out in the waiting room with a bottle until she calmed down. The good news is that she hasn't shown any reaction to the shots this time!

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